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The GTZAN-rhythm test-set.

Projet Associé: Bee Music
Personnes Associées: Geoffroy Peeters, Ugo Marchand
Date of Activity: 


Downloading the test-set: Latest version

All the annotations are packaged in a single .tar.gz archive.



12.18.2015: added README

10.28.2015: v2_ismir2015latebreaking : a lot of corrections were made, particularly on downbeat positions.

10.01.2015: v1_dafx2015paper : test-set used for the publication 'Swing ratio estimation' in Dafx 2015 conference.


If you use this test-set, please cite:

U. Marchand, G. Peeters. “Swing Ratio Estimation” in Proc. of the 18th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-15), December 2015.


U. Marchand, Q. Fresnel and G. Peeters, "GTZAN-Rhythm: extending the GTZAN test-set with beat, downbeat and swing annotations", in ISMIR 2015 Late-Breaking Session, Malaga, Spain

Content of the test-set:

xml (folder): contains all the .xml annotations files.

stats.csv: a single csv file containing high-level informations (tempo, meter, swing ratio, ...), along with artist, title.

jams (folder): contains all the .jams files.

generate.py: a python script which, given the .xml annotations files, generate stats.csv and jams files. This script also examplifies how to read the annotations files.


Audio files:

We do not provide audio files.

They can still be found on the web, for example here.

Fichier attachéTaille
GTZAN-Rhythm_v1_dafx2015paper_2015-10-01.tar_.gz1.1 Mo
GTZAN-Rhythm_v2_ismir2015_lbd_2015-10-28.tar_.gz1.12 Mo