
Analyse-Synthèse Demos

FLUX ircam Tools: Trax










Researcher Demos

Mathieu Lagrange

  • Singing Voice Separation using the Normalized Cuts
    The proposed method is inspired by ideas from Computational Auditory Scene Analysis. We formulate singing voice tracking and formation as a graph partitioning problem and solve it using the normalized cut which is a global criterion for segmenting graphs that has been used in Computer Vision.
  • ORCHIVE: Digitizing and Analyzing Orca Vocalization
    This work aim at creating a large digital archive of killer whale or orca vocalizations. The goal of the project is to digitize approximately 20000 hours of existing analog recordings of these vocalizations in order to facilitate access to researchers internationally. We are also developing tools to assist content-based access and retrieval over this large digital audio archive
  • Tracking Partials of Polyphonic Sounds
    This study addresses the problem of tracking partials, i.e. determining the evolution over time of the parameters of a given number of sinusoids with respect to the analyzed audio stream
  • Long Interpolation of Audio Signals
    In this study, the autoregressive (AR) modeling of the amplitude and frequency parameters of sinusoidal components allows us to interpolate realistically missing audio data, especially in the case of musical modulations such as vibrato or tremolo.
  • Estimation of the Instantaneous Frequency Using Phase-Based Methods
    The robust estimation of the frequency of some sinusoidal components is a major prerequisite for many applications, such as in sinusoidal sound modeling, where the estimation has to be done with a low complexity, on short-term spectra.
  • Evaluation of the Technical Level of Saxophone Performers
    We study a new method to evaluate the technical level of a musical performer, by considering only the evolutions of the spectral parameters during one tone.
  • Tridimensional Rendering of Tree-Like Vegetal Structures
    In this study, we propose an original method for building Tree-Like Vegetal Structures using a generalization of the acretion method used for building sponge-like structures.
  • Rolling Sound demonstration - 22/03/2011
    Analysis / Synthesis of Sounds Generated by Sustained Contact between Rigid Objects

Axel Roebel

Henrik Hahn

Chunghsin Yeh