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2013 | : | Computer Science, University of Pierre and Mairie Curie, Paris VI, degree: HDR (Habilitation) |
1990-1993 | : | Computer Science, Technical University of Berlin, degree: Dr.-Ing. |
1983-1990 | : | Electrical Engineering, University of Hanover, degree: Dipl.-Ing. |
01.2017- | : | Research director, IRCAM |
01.2011- | : | Team Leader, Analysis Synthesis Team, IRCAM |
01.2008-12.2011 | : | Adjoint Team Leader, Analysis Synthesis team IRCAM |
10.2000-12.2007 | : | Researcher and Developer, Analysis-Synthesis Team IRCAM |
04.2006-07.2006 | : | Edgar Varese Guest Professor, Electronic Studio, Technical University of Berlin |
04.2000-09.2000 | : | Invited researcher, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), Stanford University, USA |
01.1996-09.2000 | : | Assistent Professor, Communication Science, Technical University of Berlin |
08.1994-12.1995 | : | PostDoc, GMD FIRST, Berlin. |
2017-2022 | : | H2020/ERC project IRiMaS, Interactive Research in Music as Sound. Conseil and collaboration on signal processing methods for music analysis. |
2018-2021 | : | ANR Project TheVoice, Voice creation for media content production. Supervision of PhD thesis on deep learning based voice conversion. |
2014-2017 | : | ANR Project Chanter, Realtime controlled digital singing. Coordination of WP2 on text to chant synthesis |
2012-2015 | : | ANR Project Physis, Physically informed and semantically controllable interactive sound synthesis. Coordination of WP3 on low level sound representation |
2011-2015 | : | FP7-ICT-2011 Project 3DTVS, 3DTV Content Search. Coordination of WP4 3D Audio & Multi Modal Content Analysis and Description. |
2010-2013 | : | ANR Project Sample Orchestrator II Hybrid Sound Processing and Interactive Arrangement for New Generation Samplers. Coordination of WP2 Structured Instrument Models and Signal Transformations |
2000-2000 | : | DFG Project Ref RO2277/1-1 : Adaptive additive synthesis of non-stationary sounds. Research scholarship at CCRMA |