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AudioSculpt takes a visual approach to modifying a sound file.
AudioSculpt is a software for viewing, analysis and processing of sounds. AudioSculpt offers several graphical representations of the sound signal - Waveform, spectrum and sonagram - to obtain the desired changes and help the user to select optimal control parameters. To perform the processing and analysis, AudioSculpt uses the audio processing kernels SuperVP (extended phase vocoder and audio analysis library) and Pm2 (sinusoidal model). The treatments are organized in a sequencer and can be moved and enabled / disabled individually. The interface for handling the spectrogram use the concepts of graphic design software and allows the deletion and movement of sounds in the form of time-frequency regions. Being able to separate the sounds using time-frequency characteristics provides opportunities very advanced compared to treatment in the time domain.
Consult the online documentation (in Englisch):
Display. Zoom from an overall view
down to sample level, synchronized sonogram (time/frequency), spectral envelope, processing sequencer.
Analysis. FFT, LPC, True Envelope, fundamental frequency, partial following, different methods of automatic segmentation, formants, and tools for listening to selected sections of the spectra with harmonic display.
Sound Processing. A processing sequencer with individual tracks makes it possible to listen to them in real-time prior to creating the final result:
AudioSculpt is based on the analysis/synthesis engines SuperVP (for Super Phase Vocoder) and Pm2 (Partial Manager 2) that bundle together the algorithms necessary for AudioSculpt. The user can control these kernels either graphically using the dialogs provided by AudioSculpt or on a command line interface that is integrated in AudioSculpt.
Audiosculpt is a registered trademark of IRCAM. All other trademarks belong to their owners.
Further Information: IRCAM - Coordination of Scientific and Musical Research 1, place Igor-Stravinsky 75004 Paris France | mail: admin-forum(at)ircam.fr
Access: AudioSculpt is part of the Studio Forum software suite, please see the AudioSculpt Forum Page.