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![]() | Thomas Hézard |
PhD Thesis (nov. 2010 - nov. 2013):
Voice production: Exploration, Models and Analysis/Synthesis.
Supervisors: Thomas Hélie & René Caussé (IRCAM).
With the collaboration of Boris Doval (IJLRDA - LAM).
French PhD Thesis.
[Hezard13c] Hézard Thomas, Fréour Vincent, Caussé René, Hélie Thomas, Scavone Gary P., Synchronous multimodal measurements on lips and glottis: comparison between two human-valve oscillating systems. Submitted to Acta Acustica united with Actustica in August 2013. Video files: L1, L2, L3, L4, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5.
[Hezard13b] Hézard Thomas, Hélie Thomas, Doval Boris, A source-filter separation
algorithm for voiced sounds based on an exact anticausal/causal pole decomposition for the class of periodic signals. Interspeech 2013. Lyon : Août 2013.
[Hezard13a] Hézard Thomas, Fréour Vincent, Caussé René, Hélie Thomas, Scavone Gary P., Synchronous visualization of multimodal measurements on lips and glottis: comparison between brass instruments and the human voice production system.. 21st International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2013). Montréal : Juin 2013.
[Hezard12b] Hézard Thomas, Hélie Thomas, Doval Boris, Henrich Nathalie, Kob Malte, Non-invasive vocal-folds monitoring using electrical imaging methods. 100 years of electrical imaging. Paris : Juillet 2012, p. 145-148.
[Hezard12a] Hézard Thomas, Hélie Thomas, Caussé René, Doval Boris, Analysis-synthesis of vocal sounds based on a voice production model driven by the glottal area. Acoustics 2012. Nantes : Avril 2012.
[Hezard11a] Hézard Thomas, Hélie Thomas, Doval Boris, Caussé René, Degottex Gilles, Glottal area waveforms study from high speed video-endoscopic recordings and voice production model with aeroacoustic coupling driven by a forced glottal folds model. PEVOC. Marseille : Septembre 2011.
Voice analysis/synthesis, physical modelling, larynx exploration.